Laceygreenwood Ebooks
Welcome to my blog!If you’ve found your way here,you must be interested in my ebooks!You might also be interested in self-publishing your own ebook.
I began in 2015.I was always interested in writing.Many years ago,my mother published a poem called”The Animals Masquerade”,for Jack and Jill magazine.Unfortunately,I don’t have a copy to share with you.
In those days,the only way to get published was to send your manuscript by mail.This is a very exciting time for people interested in writing.However,that being said,its quite a learning curve to self-publish through Smash words.They do have step by step tutorials to help you,though.
If you have a favourite genre to write about,whether mystery,romance,or children's stories...give it a go!For me,it took a long time before I was able to self-publish to Smash words satisfaction.But,you might catch on quicker!